Guernsey County, OH Obituaries
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Stephen Powell Bock

Posted: 07/23/2024

In the early morning of July 20, 2024, long-time Teton County resident Steve Bock died at the age of 71. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, at his home in Hoback Junction after a long year struggling against metastatic cancer. His wife Margaret and stepson Will were with him.
Stephen Powell Bock, born November 21, 1952, in Cambridge, Ohio, was the son of Eleanor Jean Kehl Bock and Robert Price Bock. He was the youngest of three boys: Bob, Jeff, and Steve. After his studies in wildlife management and forestry, he made his way as a young man to the Jackson/Wilson area. In the 1980's he built a nice house in Hoback Junction, moved there with his wife and stepson and spent a comfortable, happy life.
A strong, creative and hard-working man, Steve pursued a career as a carpenter doing log work to finish carpentry on fine homes across the valley. He built his own home, planting all his own beautiful trees and landscaping. Spending time working on his lawn and gardens gave him great plea